The Magical Worlds of Joseph Cornell
Antología cinematográfica del artista Joseph Cornell. Incluye los siguientes cortometrajes:
- Rose Hobart (1936) (19 min)
- Bookstalls (c. late 1930s) (9 min)
- Jack’s Dream (made with Larry Jordan) (c. late 1930s) (4 min)
- Cotillion (made with Larry Jordan) (c. 1938) (8 min)
- The Midnight Party (made with Larry Jordan) (c. 1938) (4 min)
- The Aviary (made with Rudy Burkhardt) (1954) (14 min)
- Centuries of June (made with Stan Brakhage) (1955) (13 min)
- Angel (made with Rudolph Burckhardt) (1957) (3 min)
- A Legend for Fountains (made with Rudolph Burckhardt) (1957/1965) (19 min)
- Nymphlight (made with Rudolph Burckhardt) (1957) (9 min)
- Cornell 1965 (directed by Larry Jordan) (1978) (7 min)
The films of the reclusive artist Joseph Cornell (1903-1973) are as unique as his famous box constructions. Though rarely exhibited during his lifetime, these mysterious works nonetheless have had a deep and lasting influence on the world of avant-garde filmmaking . His entire body of film numbers some thirty-odd works, encompassing the incomplete and the fragmentary. It can be said that Cornell made two kinds of films in two distinct periods of activity: collage films, made by recombining found materials, and directed films,where he worked with cinematographers (including Stan Brakhage, Rudy Burckhardt and Larry Jordan) to document his fantasy/experience of wandering in New York. -Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liotta