El acorazado Potemkin
U.R.S.S.| Drama|
1925|80 minutos
Título original: Bronenosets Potemkin
Dirección: Sergei M. Eisenstein
Idioma: Silente Subtítulos: Español
Formato: Blu-Ray
Edición del British Film Institute, con subtítulos en español. Incluye como extras:
- Drifters (1929), de John Grierson
Drifters presented in a new HD transfer, tinted and toned as originally intended, with a score by innovative composer/performer Jason Singh. - North Sea (1938) de Harry Watt
North Sea is a dramatic reconstruction of sea farers' battle with the elements, produced by the GPO Film Unit. - Granton Trawler (John Grierson, 1934)
Grierson's follow up to Drifters, one of the GPO Film Unit's first experiments with sound. - Trade Tattoo (Len Lye, 1937)
Celebratory animation made from off-cuts of EMB and GPO films, including Drifters and Night Mail.